Kentucky Blues - Day Four
I woke up to a screaming baby. Not much happened for the front half of the day. Ate breakfast and talked to Poppy and Pat until Emily showed up. Then I talked to her for a while about life in general. We decided after a long while to go see a historical site that was quite close to home: The Farmsley-Moormen Landing off the Ohio River. This place was a booming center of commerce during the early days of Kentucky (1820-1870). The house was solidly built and had two stories. We learned a considerable amount about the 13 slaves he owned and what their duties were. Farmsley himself died of malaria at age 49 and left no will nor children. After a ten-year long court battle, the Moormens acquired it and kept it until 1983, when the Archeological Society took it over. A very nice tour guide, Renee, escorted us through the home and had a lot of historical information. I noticed she had a Germanic accent and her co-worker remarked that she was originally from Mannheim, Germany and married an American soldier during WW2 and came over to Kentucky during that time. Yes, she is an old woman, but very alert.
After that, we came home and I was Grillin' and Chillin'! I cooked up seven steaks and some hamburgers (there were some complaints that was more because of timing and not so much my grilling competency).
I drank a few Guinesses and a couple of terribly made Margaritas. Got a little tipsy. Ate some of that grilled zucchini and yellow squash and loved it. So Dad was right...again.
Eric (my brother in law) made some excellent potato salad. I ate until I got full (what else does one do in KY). Poor Natalie tripped and fell again which kind of dampened the mood near the end. Talked for a bit with Trish until she left, then silence....
I went to bed listening to Andante Cantabile by Tchaikovsky.
See ya'll tomorrow.
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